Water is the Elixir of life. It is the second most important thing we need to survive, after air. Today on March 22nd, we celebrate World Water Day as declared by the United Nations. The theme for World Water Day 2019 is, ‘Leaving No One Behind’.
Sustainable Development (Goal 6) aims to ensure available and sustainable management of water for all, by the year 2030. Billions of people still do not have safe water for their households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories. Prime Minister Modiji, last year highlighted the importance of ‘Jal Shakti’.
The Hindus have always worshiped the five elements Space, Air, Fire, Earth and Water. The worship of the elements means that they should be treated with respect and not wasted or subjected to pollution or any kind of abuse. Our ancients worshipped Varun/Jal Devta (God of Oceans/ Water) for all His bounties.
Everyone must have access to safe drinking water. Natural spring water is considered to be the purest. People of the hills and jungles drink just that. But most of the time, the water available may not be potable and hence needs to be purified. All of us consciously need to resolve not to waste water. If we waste, someone at the end of the que will go thirsty and wanting.
We have all read the story of the ‘Thirsty Crow’ from the Panchatantra. No one can do without water; not even animals and birds. I remember seeing the movie ‘Taare Zameen Par’, in which Darsheel empties out his school water bottle into the fish aquarium in his house! The gesture meant a lot!
The world is facing a water crisis. The ground water needs to be replenished. The water table is dangerously low.
Chandigarh is leading in Rain Water harvesting. Chandigarh, with an area of 114 sq km and an average annual rainfall of 1059.3 the rainwater harvesting potential, is calculated to be 60380.1million litres or 13241 gallons or 36.28 MGD. The potential is more than the water pumped out of aquifers. Hence the efficient harvesting of rainwater and proper recharging of groundwater will go a long way in contributing towards sustainability of water supply. Do take a look here about how Chandigarh is leading from the front. Read about here and here.
Let’s join hands to create awareness of the importance of water conservation because we need it not only for our personal needs of drinking, cooking, bathing etc. but also for agriculture, trade, environment, industry etc. Let’s plant more trees! Let’s respect nature! Together we can!
There is no way that we can undermine the importance of water in our lives. If you agree with me, let’s have a slogan writing contest on this topic. Are you ready? I promise to give a trophy to the best slogan on ‘World Water Day’. Take a deep breath, drink a glass of clean water, and put your thinking cap on!