As I offered a silent thanksgiving to God, for Abhinandan’s home coming, my heartswelled with pride at the way he had conducted himself in the most adverse circumstances.
Downing an F-16 with a MiG-21 is like a hatchback winning a race against a limousine. The training of our armed forces has always been top of the line. But sometimes there is a first amongst equals too. The way our hero Abhinandan walked into Indian soil, his face composed and modest, his back ramrod straight, his steps confident yet not over anxious; he won many a heart!
Being in Pak custody for over 50 hours, more than anything else he had won a humongous mind game. In the face of injury, pain, fatigue, sleeplessness and mental torture, he maintained his equanimity and did not break. He has proved that just being physically strong or well-trained is not enough in adversity; it is the mind that makes it or breaks it! Kudos to patriotism! Kudos to discipline, fortitude and resilience!
The world has seen enough of terrorism in its various manifestations.It is time for it to stop now. The 19th Century belonged to Europe, the 20th to USA. The 21st Century belongs to the Asian subcontinent and India is leading from the front. Abhinandan to all Indians and all things Indian! India means business; and the world is standing up to take notice! Jai Hind!